The Network Board
Managing Director
Neil Griffiths
30 years’ experience supporting health systems in the UK and internationally, including 15 years leading Capita’s work in healthcare.
Network Chair
Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell
Secretary of State for Health from 1995 to 1997, and between 2010 and 2014 was the first elected chair of the House of Commons Health Committee.
Network New Customer Development and Delivery Portfolio
Nigel Guest
Experienced Director, business transformation and improvement practitioner with over 30 years’ leadership and operational experience.
Network Head of Finance and Compliance
Phil Heywood
A Chartered Accountant with NHS experience in both provider and commissioning organisations.
Network Head of Technology and Information
Rob Meaker
Held CIO and MD roles in the private and public sectors, including leading complex technological and industrial R&D programmes.
Legal Counsel
Carly Caton, Bevan Brittan
A partner in Bevan Brittan’s Commercial and Infrastructure team, specialising in healthcare, including integrated health systems.
Network Planning and Operations Portfolio
John Stedman
Chief Executive with significant healthcare innovation management experience, having led NHS Innovations South East for the last 11 years.
Health Analytics Lead
Simon Swift
Managing Director at Methods Analytics with clinical and health economics experience, focusing on helping decision makers through meaningful intelligence.
Public Services Lead
John Curran
Has many years’ experience in designing, operating and outsourcing large scale public services, delivering solutions for complex problems in public sector outsourcing and professional services, and was one of the founders of 4OC.

The Network
Network Organisations
Orielton helps public and private sector organisations in health and care to innovate and to deliver more effectively in partnership, as well as to engage more closely with patients and the public. Our experience combines the commercial disciplines of the corporate sector, the public service ethos of the NHS, and the insight offered by local patient and citizen engagement. Orielton was also responsible for establishing and developing The Network to offer the best way possible of delivering practical support in some of the key areas that will help make future models of healthcare a reality.
A leading innovative business services consultancy led by a small core team of directors, operating across public, private, health and education markets. Our services and expertise is in creating innovative, cost effective and efficient back office business solutions, integrating business processes, people and technology enablement, within the private and public sectors.

Set up by the Department of Health in 2004 to facilitate innovations becoming reality, delivering quality, financial and patient benefits whilst also developing and enabling NHS staff.
Has significant healthcare innovation and management consulting experience, building relationships with senior NHS executives and adding value to healthcare organisations by supporting innovation management and quality improvement.
Experienced team of project and programme managers and directors working across the public sector, with a strong track record in programme recovery and securing the delivery of programme objectives. Working primarily in the area of public service delivery, their aim is simple – to get the best value from the public purse.
Twenty years’ experience leading and delivering large-scale transformational change for the NHS, Local and Central Government and the private sector, and experience in the pressures of balancing the day job with the management of change through senior operational roles. Catherine has also led, and continues to work with Talking Health, Taking Action who are the lead licencing organisation for the Expert Patient Programme in the UK.
With seventeen years’ experience in the NHS in a variety of acute trusts and other organisations, Helen’s final NHS post was Executive Director of Strategy and Marketing at Heatherwood and Wexham Park NHSFT. Eight years’ subsequent consultancy experience included strategic and service reviews, service development and programme management, and supporting the development of integrated health and social care services.
A ‘human centred’ design and engagement consultancy with extensive experience in the healthcare, social and technology sectors. We work with local and national governments, international businesses and NGOs. SK brings clarity to your most complex and deep-rooted problems and helps you to design and deliver solutions that people support and act on. As award winning experts, SK and the team have worked on many diverse projects from community engagement to save the Bengali Tiger to improving social integration in Bradford. SK uses an extensive array of creative and bespoke digital tools which amplify both the reach, scale and potential of engagement.
We provide holistic end-to-end system transformation, placing significant emphasis on improving quality and productivity, building sustainable improvement (OD, cultural and behavioural), underpinned by effective decision-making (financial, contracting and BI). Our specific areas of expertise include Specialised Commissioning, mental health, Clinical Utilisation Review and supporting the development of Integrated Care Systems.
Part of the Dorson Group, led by Stephen Dorrell and Clare Whelan, offering analysis and support to decision makers across health, social care, and local government addressing strategic development, organisational change and information technology. Dorson Transform has particular experience and capabilities working across NHS and local government boundaries.
Cratus provides advocacy for those who seek to engage and work with the local public sector and the communities they serve. Our team is made up of people who have led and run major public services, the unifying factor being a belief in the importance of local decision-taking and accountability.
Milliman is among the world’s largest providers of actuarial and related products and services, founded in 1947, and owned and managed by our principals. As leading experts in healthcare financing and delivery, we advise clients on issues ranging from assessing the impact of healthcare reform on organisations or populations to streamlining operations while advancing the quality of patient care, supported by a powerful toolkit of data analytics solutions. In the UK, our dedicated health actuarial team provides advice and products for the NHS, including benchmarking, return on investment modelling, risk-sharing and capitation consulting and prioritisation tools.
NCVO is the national champion of the voluntary sector and volunteering with 13,000+ members from large national charities to tiny community groups and social enterprises.
Primary Care Commissioning CIC is a not-for profit social enterprise providing trusted, practical support to commissioners and providers of health and social care. We focus on primary care with a team of nationally recognised experts promoting collaboration, supporting the development of new models of care, developing knowledge and skills, hosting networks and running events.
Supporting the development of best practice in primary and urgent care. We use information to create understanding, driving improvements in care, reducing unnecessary variation across organisations and between clinicians, developing practical tools applied across the urgent care system, and applying our understanding of national policy in urgent care to support local change.
Vertergi was established to provide consultancy services to support healthcare organisations navigate rapidly changing environments and adapt to demand for increased efficiency and improved outcomes. Vertergi works with organisations to streamline operations, carry out financial assessments to inform value-based commissioning and provide advisory services on process engineering, strategic planning and more effective ways to deploy and utilise technology.
Bevan Brittan is a leading Tier 1 healthcare legal firm, with an outstanding reputation for delivering high quality cost effective legal advice across the UK. Our 200 healthcare lawyers advise over half of NHS providers and commissioners in England, as well as NHS bodies such as NHS England, and more than 100 independent health providers. We are currently advising on a significant number of STPs, Vanguard schemes and new models of care across England, and recently won Health Investor’s Legal Advisor of the Year award, which noted that Bevan Brittan “appear to be providing legal support to every aspect of NHS transformation and across every area of the NHS”.
Care Banking is a market leading technology provider offering revolutionary solutions across Health and Social Care to deliver efficiencies whilst improving quality. We understand the challenges faced by commissioning bodies in enabling safe and effective care, and have worked with CCGs and Local Authorities to co-design and develop our products.
Methods Analytics formed within the NHS in 2009, growing from a Quality Observatory and subsequently joining Methods Group. Our experience across the NHS, Social Care, local councils and Police brings strong clinical and analytical capabilities, and supports the CQC and major NHS England programs with our team of NHS analysts, data scientists, pharmacists, health economists, doctors, process and technical specialists.
A cultural change specialist, with significant NHS experience, offering interventions that link organisational strategy, purpose and values with frontline operations and performance.
Solution-focused specialists in NHS, health and education communications and engagement delivering measurable impact against strategic goals.
Experienced consultants in healthcare partnering and procurement, in particular commissioning and procuring new models of care.
Bringing experience in operational and strategic roles in the Department of Health, NHS England, and latterly as Director of STO Healthcare. Richard has held national and turnaround roles, and led commissioning and transformational programs in both the acute and community sectors.
As one of the original team on the Department of Health ISTC programme, Tony brings 30 years’ experience within the commercial and commissioning arena. He has designed and led ground breaking integration and commissioning projects including the unique Structured Collaboration model.
Experience of working with the NHS and local authorities for over 30 years, and the largest employer of CIPFA members and students in the UK. Our national team of NHS specialists provide a range of assurance, tax and advisory services.
Network People
Kate Abendstern
An experienced Consultant and NHS Director with 15 years’ Board level experience (7 years’ at Chief Executive level) and a track record of leading change and performance improvement in complex organisations.
Andy Brockie
Capita’s former Strategy and Development Director, with extensive experience in commercial, financial and general management for Capita Group Sales, and providing strategic, commercial and financial direction and advice at Board level.
Conor Burke
An effective, credible and networked independent advisor supporting people, organisations and systems to improve the delivery of health and care. With over 14 years’ as a senior NHS leader in a challenged health and care system Conor has experienced the “sharp end”. He first joined the NHS as an Occupational Therapist, he has worked for a number of consulting firms and until recently was Chief Officer of 3 London CCGs and the STP transformation lead.
Jonathan Carr-Brown
A leading expert in the field of new technology and digital services in healthcare, Jonathon has had a diverse career. He currently runs Lost for Words which represents innovative digital health start-ups and has founded to help health technology vendors and buyers find each other. He was a founding director and later Managing Director of NHS Choices (
Richard Eley
Experienced Consultant and Director with 27 years’ Board level experience as a Finance Director across the NHS, Private, University, and Charity sectors. Has delivered significant change, mergers and cost reductions in a number of different organisations.
Murray Scott
Murray has 15 years’ experience of providing analytical insight and modelling support to NHS organisations seeking to improve, redesign and transform clinical services, including health & social care demand and capacity planning, development of analytical models, planning & monitoring tools, and internal and external benchmarking.
Mark Hunt
A Main Board Director & Managing Director specialising in developing & implementing growth strategies organically and through acquisition working in the healthcare sector. He worked previously for BMJ, Serco, Care UK and in pharmaceuticals with Glaxo & Abbott Laboratories. Mark is a practicing clinician and works as a GP.
Steve Laitner
With a background in both General Practice and Public Health, Steve’s clinical interests are Shared Decision Making, Population Health Segmentation, Long Term Conditions and Pathway Redesign/Service Transformation. He is passionate about ‘co-leadership’ between health care providers and health care consumers (patients and their carers) – both in the co-production of health at the individual care level and the co-design of health care services at the strategic and population level.
Steve Madden
An experienced commercial/business solutions director with particular strengths in designing, negotiating and, on occasion, implementing complex, bespoke delivery solutions and commercial models – principally within a Business Process Outsourcing context.
Angela Murray
An experienced Business Development Director with a reputation for creating and converting business opportunities. Angela supports NHS and private sector organisations establish successful and sustainable delivery partnerships, and to design and take innovative services and technologies to market. Passionate about Health and Care, Angela led Business Development & Marketing for the Health Consulting businesses in Capita and Tribal for 12 years and before that was VP Business Development at McKesson.
Mark Rogers
Bringing extensive public service leadership and delivery experience as a local authority chief executive, most recently at Birmingham City Council, Mark has worked in complex partnerships locally, regionally and nationally, for example helping to set up the Birmingham and Solihull Sustainability and Transformation Partnership, the West Midlands Combined Authority and the Department of Health’s Children’s Health and Wellbeing Board. He brings tried and tested skills in communication and motivation; convening and facilitating.
Nathan Swift
Formerly of NHS Choices, and currently Interim Deputy Director of Technology Services and Consultant for the Department for Education and previously similar role at the Cabinet office.
John Wilderspin
John previously worked in the NHS as a Chief Executive, and a leader of large-scale national programmes. He is best known for his work on systems leadership, including the national implementation of Health and Wellbeing Boards, and leading the integration of Monitor and TDA to form NHS Improvement. He continues to work in this field, including a six-month role as the Strategic Programme Director supporting the development of the Sustainability & Transformation Plan in Birmingham & Solihull.
Treve Willis
A Director level leader with signature strengths in Innovation and Strategic Thinking, bringing over 25 years’ experience of commercialising scientific and technical IP in technology and services sectors to and from a wide range of organisations, large and small, in both the public and private sectors. Understanding of physical sciences, and how they inter-relate with life sciences and the evolving digital world.
David Wood
Previously a long-standing Capita colleague and now focussed on the “front end” of change and working with senior management teams on the Operational, Commercial, Developmental and Behavioural aspects of understanding the change they are trying to make.
Dr Amit Bhargava
Senior GP Partner at Southgate Medical Group in Crawley whose passion and successes are in transformation through partnership working. He has been involved in clinical leadership since 1999 and was the Clinical Chief Officer of the Crawley Clinical Commissioning Group until end of 2017. He is on the Council of the College of Medicine and has held a range of local and national roles.